Somewhere on an island, a man, after learning he has not got long to live, decides to write a novel he believes will be a masterpiece and serves as his contribution to literature and society. But something goes wrong. The ambitious project our protagonist embarks upon is divided into ten books. In Book I, the narrator takes the reader through his creation. The creator confines himself to a room and constructs his work between sleep and wake. Willem, the main character, falls into mischievous behavior and disrupts proceedings. He initiates a coup d'etat, establishes a tribunal, and charges his creator with literary treason.
I could not tell you that it was gone,
my desire to write the novel
which belongs to me
and all I thought about since childhood
nothing but this and a little more.
For all my wanderings,
I missed the trick of beginning a narrative
that would engage my being
and sketched characters automatically
become a part of me.
So, I sat down before this blank page,
daunting in its appearance
to give flesh to the idea haunting me.
Night and day, a beginning filled with
false starts and many pages unable to keep.
The Mole appears to be a unique exploration of the experience
of being an author, impostor syndrome, god-like creation of worlds,
the intangibility of inspiration, writer's block, writing as both
question and answer, the certainty of growth, and how contemplating
fictional worlds leads to reflecting reality.
Thomas Anderson
Editor in Chief
Literary Titan